1. From a desktop PC, Log in to Drafters and Navigate to “Player Exposures” on the drop down menu
2. Select “Email Pick Data CSV” in the top right corner
3. Navigate to your emails and download the data
4. Open the CSV/Excel from Drafters.
5. On a second tab/monitor/screen also open the Blank “Drafters Tracking” Spreadsheet
6. On the “pick-data” download from Drafters, delete column E (pick number), as well as columns H (team) through M (rank).
7. In the pick-data spreadsheet, select cells A1 through F1 and click the “Filter” functionality in Excel.
8. In the pick data sheet, navigate to column D, and select only Round 1
9. Copy and paste the data in columns A thru C on the “pick-data” spreadsheet to the blank drafters tracking spreadsheet, beginning in cell A2 (to avoid pasting over the column headers in row 1).
10. Then copy/paste the data now populated in column E into column D (Round 1) on the Drafters Tracking sheet.
11. Navigate back to the pick-data sheet, and update column D to now be sorted by Round 2.
12. Follow the same step as above and paste this data into Column E (Round 2)
13. Complete this same step for sorting by round 3 and pasting the data in Column F (Round 3) on the Drafters tracking spreadsheet.
14. Now, is when the process gets more manual. Back on the Pick-Data CSV, choose ‘Select All’ in the sorting of Column D. This should now show a lot of data.
15. We will now sort Column F (Position) to only sort by QB.
16. Since everyone drafts a QB in different rounds each draft, you will have to manually add the corresponding highest drafted QB for each draft to the Drafters Tracking Spreadsheet.
17. Repeat steps 15 & 16, sorted for TE and manually populate the spreadsheet.
18. Doing this for 200 rosters took me about an hour, so while it is manual/painful, it’s doable.
The payoff:
In your ensuing drafts, you can easily now sort by the player you select in the first round, and it will populate the first 3 picks, QB and TE of your different previously drafted combos. This will help you from continuing to draft very similar teams over and over.
Finally, now that the data is populated into your spreadsheet, you want to manually continued to update as you continue to draft more teams
Lastly – Hope to see you and your OWS avatar at the top of a Drafters leaderboard come December!